R.E.A.D. to Me
R.E.A.D. to Me: Vision and Mission
R.E.A.D. to Me is a language based outreach program based on R.E.A.D.’s proven strategy of promoting early literacy through movement, music, acting, and art.
High quality early childhood experiences have been proven to significantly improve outcomes throughout students’ lives (The State of Public Education In New Orleans 2015; The Cowen Institute, and Lifetime Effects: The HighScope Perry Preschool Study Through Age 40; HighScope, 2005). R.E.A.D. cares that all the young children in New Orleans, regardless of background, have access to joyful, creative early literacy experiences that create a lifetime love of learning. We are determined to be part of the solution.
If you are a nonprofit interested in partnering with R.E.A.D. to bring our classes to the children and families you serve, please reach out to Marilyn Levin at Marilyn@readnola.com.
R.E.A.D. to Me: History
From 2016 through 2018, R.E.A.D. (Reading Enrichment and Development) New Orleans was proud to offer free or low cost dynamic early literacy classes through The Broadmoor Improvement Association (BIA), a 501(c)3 non-profit neighborhood organization founded in 1930. Thanks to a grant from the Junior League of New Orleans, R.E.A.D. joined an extraordinary array of free programs for children and families in Broadmoor’s ‘Education Corridor.’ R.E.A.D. was thrilled to bring its engaging classes to combat the effects of generational poverty, generate equity, and improve quality of life for residents of Broadmoor and beyond.
During our work with the B.I.A., the majority of participants in our weekly early literacy classes for children and caregivers represented single parent households, and all parents reported improvements in parenting confidence, an enhanced understanding of how to encourage learning at home and an increased interest in books and learning among their children.
Check out our feature article in the Gambit.